load balancing is to share Internet access via two or more internet connections are balanced (balance), do not have to wait a full connection and then just move to the next connection.
During this time many of us who think wrong, that by using loadbalance two connection lines, the large bandwidth that we'll get double the bandwidth before using loadbalance (accumulation of both the bandwidth). This needs to be clear first, that loadbalance will not add much bandwidth we get, but only served to divide the traffic from both the bandwidth so they can be used in a balanced manner.
With this article, we will prove that the use of mathematical formulas loadbalancing does not like 512 + 256 = 768, but 512 + 256 = 512 + 256, or 512 + 256 = 256 + 256 + 256.
In this article we use RB433UAH with conditions as follows:
- Ether1 and ether2 connected to different ISPs with large bandwdith different. ISP1 and ISP2 at 512kbps at 256kbps.
- We will use an internal web-proxy and use OpenDNS.
- RouterOS you are using version 4.5 because the PCC has become a popular feature at the 3:24 version.
If the above condition is different from the network conditions at your house, then the configuration that we describe here will have to match you with the configuration for the network at your house.
If we have configure like this:
with command in the mikrotik:
/ip address
add address= interface=ether1
add address= interface=ether2